WebSQL adapter for CreateReadUpdateDelete.js
(Currently the only one available)
This is called from CRUD.setAdapter()
Option name | Type | Description |
database | string | Database Name |
dbOptions | object | options to pass to window.openDatabase. |
CRUD.SQLiteAdapter = function(database, dbOptions) {
this.databaseName = database;
this.dbOptions = dbOptions;
this.lastQuery = false;
this.initializing = true;
CRUD.ConnectionAdapter.apply(this, arguments);
var db;
var self = this;
Create a new CRUD.Database instance that opens the database, make sure all tables and indexes exist and create them if they don't
this.Init = function() {
this.db = db = new CRUD.Database(self.databaseName);
return db.connect().then(function() {
CRUD.log("SQLITE connection created to ", self.databaseName);
return verifyTables().then(function() {
self.initializing = false;
return true;
Generic update query callback that logs writesExecuted and sets update action.
Option name | Type | Description |
resultSet | resultSet | resulting from an update query. |
return | resultSet | enriched resultSet with Action executed. |
function updateQuerySuccess(resultSet) {
resultSet.Action = 'updated';
return resultSet;
Generic update query error callback that logs writesExecuted and the error.
Option name | Type | Description |
err | Error | WebSQL error |
tx | Transaction | WebSQL Transaction |
return |
function updateQueryError(err, tx) {
console.error("Update query error!", err);
Generic insert query callback that logs writesExecuted and sets inserted action + id
Option name | Type | Description |
resultSet | resultSet | resulting from an insert query. |
return | resultSet | enriched resultSet with Action executed and ID property |
function insertQuerySuccess(resultSet) {
resultSet.Action = 'inserted';
resultSet.ID = resultSet.rs.insertId;
return resultSet;
Generic insert query error callback that logs writesExecuted and the error.
Option name | Type | Description |
err | Error | WebSQL error |
tx | Transaction | WebSQL Transaction |
return | error |
function insertQueryError(err, tx) {
console.error("Insert query error: ", err);
return err;
Verify that all tables for registered entities exist.
This starts a promise chain that executes the following steps:
- Fetch a list of all tables and indexes
- Iterate all known entities and:
- Execute their createStatements if they haven't been created.
- Execute any migrations in sequence if the localStorage value database.version.
is smaller than the highest migration number
- Compare the list of indexes and create the ones that don't exist
- Insert fixtures if the table has been freshly created
function verifyTables() { CRUD.log('verifying that tables exist'); var tables = [], indexes = {};
functionparseSchemaInfo()Pre-Parse database schema info for further processing. Finds tables and indexes.
Option name Type Description database resultSet description
return void
function parseSchemaInfo(resultset) { for (var i = 0; i < resultset.rs.rows.length; i++) { var row = resultset.rs.rows.item(i); if (row.name.indexOf('sqlite_autoindex') > -1 || row.name == '__WebKitDatabaseInfoTable__') continue; if (row.type == 'table') { tables.push(row.tbl_name); } else if (row.type == 'index') { if (!(row.tbl_name in indexes)) { indexes[row.tbl_name] = []; } indexes[row.tbl_name].push(row.name); } } return; }
functioncreateTables()Iterate the list of registered entities and creates their tables if they don't exist.
Run the migrations when needed if the table version is out of syncfunction createTables() { return Promise.all(Object.keys(CRUD.EntityManager.entities).map(function(entityName) { var entity = CRUD.EntityManager.entities[entityName]; if (tables.indexOf(entity.table) == -1) { if (!entity.createStatement) { throw "No create statement found for " + entity.getType() + ". Don't know how to create table."; } return db.execute(entity.createStatement).then(function() { tables.push(entity.table); localStorage.setItem('database.version.' + entity.table, ('migrations' in entity) ? Math.max.apply(Math, Object.keys(entity.migrations)) : 1); CRUD.log(entity.table + " table created."); return entity; }, function(err) { CRUD.log("Error creating " + entity.table, err, entity.createStatement); throw "Error creating table: " + entity.table; }).then(createFixtures).then(function() { CRUD.log("Table created and fixtures inserted for ", entityName); return; }); } return; })); } /** * Run migrations for a table if the version stored in localStorage is out of sync. * All tables created by CreateReadUpdateDelete.js are versioned this way. * For more info on migrations see the docs. * @return {void} void */ function runMigrations() { return Promise.all(Object.keys(CRUD.EntityManager.entities).map(function(entityName) { var entity = CRUD.EntityManager.entities[entityName]; if (entity.migrations) { var currentVersion = !localStorage.getItem('database.version.' + entity.table) ? 1 : parseInt(localStorage.getItem('database.version.' + entity.table), 10); if (isNaN(currentVersion)) { currentVersion = 1; } var highestVersion = Math.max.apply(Math, Object.keys(entity.migrations)); if (currentVersion == highestVersion) return; return Promise.all(Object.keys(entity.migrations).map(function(version) { if (parseInt(version) > currentVersion) { return Promise.all(entity.migrations[version].map(function(migration) { CRUD.log('Executing migration: ', migration); return db.execute(migration).then(function(result) { CRUD.log("Migration success!", result); return true; }, function(err) { throw "Migration " + version + " failed for entity " + entityName; }); })).then(function() { CRUD.log("All migrations executed for version ", version); localStorage.setItem('database.version.' + entity.table, version); return true; }); } return true; })); } })); } /** * Iterate the list of existing and non-existing indexes for each entity and create the ones that don't exist. * @return {void} void */ function createIndexes() { // create listed indexes if they don't already exist. return Promise.all(Object.keys(CRUD.EntityManager.entities).map(function(entityName) { var entity = CRUD.EntityManager.entities[entityName]; if (('indexes' in entity)) { return Promise.all(entity.indexes.map(function(index) { var indexName = index.replace(/\W/g, '') + '_idx'; if (!(entity.table in indexes) || indexes[entity.table].indexOf(indexName) == -1) { return db.execute("create index if not exists " + indexName + " on " + entity.table + " (" + index + ")").then(function(result) { CRUD.log("index created: ", entity.table, index, indexName); if (!(entity.table in indexes)) { indexes[entity.table] = []; } indexes[entity.table].push(indexName); return; }); } return; })); } })); } // fetch schema info and perform setup sequence. return db.execute("select type,name,tbl_name from sqlite_master") .then(parseSchemaInfo) .then(createTables) .then(runMigrations) .then(createIndexes).then(function(result) { CRUD.log("All migrations are done!"); self.initializing = false; }); }
functioncreateFixtures()Insert fixtures for an entity if they exist
Option name Type Description entity CRUD.Entity entity to insert fixtures for
return Promise that resolves when all fixtures were inserted or immediately when none are defined
function createFixtures(entity) { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { if (!entity.fixtures) return resolve(); return Promise.all(entity.fixtures.map(function(fixture) { CRUD.fromCache(entity.getType(), fixture).Persist(true); })).then(resolve, reject); }); }
functiondelayUntilSetupDone()Non-blocking delay function that waits for execution until all initialization is done
This places all calls to CRUD.Find in a setTimeout loop until the tables are created and fixtures are inserted.
When setup is done, the callback is executed immediately.Option name Type Description to callback run when setup is done
return function delayUntilSetupDone(func) { if (!self.initializing) { return func(); } else { setTimeout(delayUntilSetupDone, 50, func); } }
methodthis.Find()Option name Type Description what CRUD.Entity type of CRUD.Entity to query the database for
filters object Properties to create a WHERE statement from
options object Optional array of options: { orderBy, groupBy, limit, justthese }
this.Find = function(what, filters, options) { var builder = new CRUD.Database.SQLBuilder(what, filters, options); var query = builder.buildQuery(); CRUD.log("Executing query via sqliteadapter: ", options, query); return new Promise(function(resolve, fail) { return delayUntilSetupDone(function() { db.execute(query.query, query.parameters).then(function(resultset) { var output = []; for (var i = 0; i < resultset.rs.rows.length; i++) { output.push(resultset.rs.rows.item(i)); } resolve(output); }, function(resultSet, sqlError) { CRUD.log('SQL Error in FIND : ', sqlError, resultSet, query); fail(); }); }); }); };
methodthis.FindCount()Option name Type Description what CRUD.Entity type of CRUD.Entity to query the database for
filters object Properties to create a WHERE statement from
options object Optional array of options: { orderBy, groupBy, limit, justthese }
this.FindCount = function(what, filters, options) { var builder = new CRUD.Database.SQLBuilder(what, filters, options); var query = builder.buildCountQuery(); CRUD.log("Executing query via sqliteadapter: ", options, query); return new Promise(function(resolve, fail) { return delayUntilSetupDone(function() { db.execute(query.query, query.parameters).then(function(resultset) { var row = resultset.rs.rows.item(0); resolve(row[Object.keys(row)[0]]); }, function(resultSet, sqlError) { CRUD.log('SQL Error in FIND : ', sqlError, resultSet, query); fail(); }); }); }); };
methodthis.Persist()Save a changed or new entity into the database.
Option name Type Description what CRUD.Entity an instance of a CRUD.Entity
forceInsert boolean (Optional) Flag all values dirty and append them to the query
mode string (Optional) insert mode to use with forceInsert: Default: INSERT. Can also be REPLACE
this.Persist = function(what, forceInsert, mode) { CRUD.stats.writesQueued++; mode = mode || 'INSERT'; var query = [], values = [], valmap = [], names = []; function mapValues(field) { names.push(field); values.push('?'); valmap.push(what.__dirtyValues__[field]); } function mapChangedValues(field) { if (!(field in what.__dirtyValues__) && !(field in what.__values__)) { names.push(field); values.push('?'); valmap.push(CRUD.EntityManager.entities[what.getType()].defaultValues[field]); } } function mapAutoSerialize(field) { if (names.indexOf(field) > -1) { valmap[names.indexOf(field)] = JSON.stringify(valmap[names.indexOf(field)]); } } // iterate all fields changed Object.keys(what.__dirtyValues__).map(mapValues); // add defaults Object.keys(CRUD.EntityManager.entities[what.getType()].defaultValues).map(mapChangedValues); // json_encode any fields that are defined as needing serializing CRUD.EntityManager.entities[what.getType()].autoSerialize.map(mapAutoSerialize); if (what.getID() === false || undefined === what.getID() || forceInsert) { // new object : insert. // insert query.push(mode + ' INTO ', CRUD.EntityManager.entities[what.getType()].table, '(', names.join(","), ') VALUES (', values.join(","), ');'); CRUD.log(query.join(' '), valmap); return db.execute(query.join(' '), valmap).then(insertQuerySuccess, insertQueryError); } else { // existing : build an update query. query.push('UPDATE', CRUD.EntityManager.entities[what.getType()].table, 'SET', names.map(function(name) { return name + ' = ?'; }).join(',')); valmap.push(what.getID()); query.push('WHERE', CRUD.EntityManager.getPrimary(what.getType()), '= ?'); return db.execute(query.join(' '), valmap).then(updateQuerySuccess, updateQueryError); } };
methodthis.Delete()Option name Type Description what CRUD.Entity Entity instance to delete
return Promise Promise that resolves when done
this.Delete = function(what) { if (what.getID() !== false) { query = ['delete from', CRUD.EntityManager.entities[what.getType()].table, 'where', CRUD.EntityManager.getPrimary(what.getType()), '= ?'].join(' '); return db.execute(query, [what.getID()]).then(function(resultSet) { resultSet.Action = 'deleted'; return resultSet; }, function(e) { CRUD.log("error deleting element from db: ", e); throw e; }); } else { return false; } }; return this; };
methodCRUD.executeQuery()A Handy Shorthand function to execute a raw SQL query and return the result with a promise.
Option name Type Description query string Query to execute. Optionally use bound parameters with ? as a placeholder.
bindings array Optional array with query for the query
return Promise promise that resolves when query was executed
CRUD.executeQuery = function(query, bindings) { return CRUD.EntityManager.getAdapter().db.execute(query, bindings || []); };
CRUD.Database.js, a simple database abstraction layer.
Adapted from mootools Database.js by Dipl.-Ing. (FH) André Fiedler kontakt@visualdrugs.net
Removed all moo dependencies and converted to POJS
December 2013: Updated for use of promises.
...CRUD.Database = function(name, options) { options = options || { version: '1.0', estimatedSize: 655360 }; var lastInsertRowId = 0; var db = false; var dbName = name || false; this.lastInsertId = function() { return lastInsertRowId; }; this.close = function() { return db.close(); }; this.getDB = function() { return db; }; var queryQueue = [];
methodthis.execute()Execute a db query and promise a resultset.
Queries are queue up based upon if they are insert or select queries.
selects get highest priority to not lock the UI when batch inserts or updates
are happening.this.execute = function(sql, valueBindings) { if (!db) return; return new Promise(function(resolve, fail) { queryQueue[sql.indexOf('SELECT') === 0 ? 'unshift' : 'push']({ sql: sql, valueBindings: valueBindings, resolve: resolve, fail: fail }); setTimeout(processQueue, 10); }); }; function processQueue() { if (queryQueue.length > 0) { db.transaction(function(transaction) { var localQueue = queryQueue.splice(0, 25); if (localQueue.length === 0) return; localQueue.map(function(query) { function sqlOK(transaction, rs) { query.resolve(new CRUD.Database.ResultSet(rs)); } function sqlFail(transaction, error) { CRUD.log("SQL FAIL!!", error, transaction); query.fail(error, transaction); } transaction.executeSql(query.sql, query.valueBindings, sqlOK, sqlFail); if (CRUD.DEBUG) { CRUD.log(query.sql, query.valueBindings); } }); }); } } this.connect = function() { return new Promise(function(resolve, fail) { try { db = openDatabase(dbName, options.version, '', options.estimatedSize); if (!db) { fail("could not open database " + dbName); } else { CRUD.log("DB connection to ", dbName, " opened!"); resolve(this); } } catch (E) { CRUD.log("DB ERROR " + E.toString()); fail('ERROR!' + E.toString(), E); } }); }; }; CRUD.Database.ResultSet = function(rs) { this.rs = rs; this.index = 0; return this; }; CRUD.Database.ResultSet.prototype.next = function() { var row = null; if (this.index < this.rs.rows.length) { row = new CRUD.Database.ResultSet.Row(this.rs.rows.item(this.index++)); } return row; }; CRUD.Database.ResultSet.Row = function(row) { this.row = row; return this; }; CRUD.Database.ResultSet.Row.prototype.get = function(index, defaultValue) { var col = this.row[index]; return (col) ? col : defaultValue; };
methodCRUD.Database.SQLBuilder()My own query builder, ported from PHP to JS.
Should still be refactored and prettified, but works pretty nice so far.CRUD.Database.SQLBuilder = function(entity, filters, options) { this.entity = entity instanceof CRUD.Entity ? entity.getType() : entity; this.entityConfig = CRUD.EntityManager.entities[this.entity]; this.filters = filters || {}; this.options = options || {}; this.justthese = []; this.wheres = []; this.joins = []; this.fields = []; this.orders = []; this.groups = []; this.parameters = []; // parameters to bind to sql query. Object.keys(this.filters).map(function(key) { this.buildFilters(key, this.filters[key], this.entity); }, this); if (this.options.orderBy) { this.orders.push(this.prefixFieldNames(this.options.orderBy.replace('ORDER BY', ''))); } else { if (this.entityConfig.orderProperty && this.entityConfig.orderDirection && this.orders.length === 0) { this.orders.push(this.getFieldName(this.entityConfig.orderProperty) + " " + this.entityConfig.orderDirection); } } if (this.options.groupBy) { this.groups.push(this.options.groupBy.replace('GROUP BY', '')); } this.limit = this.options.limit ? 'LIMIT ' + options.limit : 'LIMIT 0,1000'; (this.options.justthese || CRUD.EntityManager.entities[this.entity].fields).map(function(field) { this.fields.push(this.getFieldName(field)); }, this); }; CRUD.Database.SQLBuilder.prototype = { getFieldName: function(field, table) { return (table || this.entityConfig.table) + '.' + field; }, prefixFieldNames: function(text) { var fields = text.split(','); return fields.map(function(field) { var f = field.trim().split(' '); var direction = f[1].toUpperCase().match(/(ASC|DESC)/)[0]; field = f[0]; if (this.entityConfig.fields.indexOf(field) > -1) { field = this.getFieldName(field); } return field + ' ' + direction; }, this).join(', '); }, buildFilters: function(what, value, _class) { var relatedClass = CRUD.EntityManager.hasRelation(_class, what); if (relatedClass) { for (var val in value) { this.buildFilters(val, value[val], what); this.buildJoins(_class, what); } } else if (!isNaN(parseInt(what, 10))) { // it's a custom sql where clause, just field=>value). unsafe because parameters are unbound, but very for custom queries. this.wheres.push(value); } else { // standard field=>value whereclause. Prefix with tablename for easy joins and push a value to the . if (what == 'ID') what = CRUD.EntityManager.getPrimary(_class); this.wheres.push(this.getFieldName(what, CRUD.EntityManager.entities[_class].table) + ' = ?'); this.parameters.push(value); } }, buildJoins: function(theClass, parent) { // determine what joins to use if (!parent) return; // nothing to join on, skip. var entity = CRUD.EntityManager.entities[theClass]; parent = CRUD.EntityManager.entities[parent]; switch (parent.relations[entity.getType()]) { // then check the relationtype case CRUD.RELATION_SINGLE: case CRUD.RELATION_FOREIGN: if (entity.fields.indexOf(parent.primary) > -1) { this.addJoin(parent, entity, parent.primary); } else if (parent.fields.indexOf(entity.primary) > -1) { this.addJoin(parent, entity, entity.primary); } break; case CRUD.RELATION_MANY: // it's a many:many relation. Join the connector table and then the related one. connectorClass = parent.connectors[entity.getType()]; conn = CRUD.EntityManager.entities[connectorClass]; this.addJoin(conn, entity, entity.primary).addJoin(parent, conn, parent.primary); break; case CRUD.RELATION_CUSTOM: var rel = parent.relations[entity.getType()]; this.joins = this.joins.unshift(['LEFT JOIN', entity.table, 'ON', this.getFieldName(rel.sourceProperty, parent.table), '=', this.getFieldName(rel.targetProperty, entity.table)].join(' ')); break; default: throw new Exception("Warning! class " + parent.getType() + " probably has no relation defined for class " + entity.getType() + " or you did something terribly wrong..." + JSON.encode(parent.relations[_class])); } }, addJoin: function(what, on, fromPrimary, toPrimary) { var join = ['LEFT JOIN', what.table, 'ON', this.getFieldName(fromPrimary, on.table), '=', this.getFieldName(toPrimary || fromPrimary, what.table)].join(' '); if (this.joins.indexOf(join) == -1) { this.joins.push(join); } return this; }, buildQuery: function() { var where = this.wheres.length > 0 ? ' WHERE ' + this.wheres.join(" \n AND \n\t") : ''; var order = (this.orders.length > 0) ? ' ORDER BY ' + this.orders.join(", ") : ''; var group = (this.groups.length > 0) ? ' GROUP BY ' + this.groups.join(", ") : ''; var query = 'SELECT ' + this.fields.join(", \n\t") + "\n FROM \n\t" + CRUD.EntityManager.entities[this.entity].table + "\n " + this.joins.join("\n ") + where + ' ' + group + ' ' + order + ' ' + this.limit; return ({ query: query, parameters: this.parameters }); }, buildCountQuery: function() { var where = (this.wheres.length > 0) ? ' WHERE ' + this.wheres.join(" \n AND \n\t") : ''; var group = (this.groups.length > 0) ? ' GROUP BY ' + this.groups.join(", ") : ''; var query = "SELECT count(" + CRUD.EntityManager.entities[this.entity].primary + ") FROM \n\t" + CRUD.EntityManager.entities[this.entity].table + "\n " + this.joins.join("\n ") + where + ' ' + group; return ({ query: query, parameters: this.parameters }); } };